2012년 5월 29일 화요일

argumentative essay step 2

     Today, there are tremendous amounts of animal testing. Animal testing is widely used when researching new medicines, cosmetics, toxicology, and psychology. Also, there are many debates among this testing. I do agree that animal testing is effective in some way. However, I strongly believe that animal testing should be banned.
     To begin with, animals have a right not to be harmed. Animals are also living creatures like humans. Although some people would declare that animals are not same as humans, it’s true that they do have rights. Not only they are just merely living creatures, they also feel similar feeling with humans. They feel pain, fear, and pleasure as humans. Thus, testing them is very morally bad.
     Moreover, animals are different from humans. I mean, animal testing can’t get accurate result as humans do. Animals have been used as testing samples for a long time. However, there are basic differences between animals and humans both physiologically and psychologically. Most common used animal researches are medical and psychological researches. Thus, basic difference between humans and animals are crucial. Sometimes, this fact will derive development of ineffective medicines. However, sometimes, this fact will create disasters. We are having animal research to be careful before using medicines to human. However, if animal testing creates disaster, animal testing has no meaning. Thus, it should be banned.
     Furthermore, research can be done effectively without experimenting on any living creatures. If we don’t stop experimenting on living creatures, we will never know how much we will be able to advance without them. Nowadays, researchers are very familiar to animal experiments thus, they don’t think thoroughly when they do theoretical research because they just see what’s happening to animals. If this cycle doesn’t stop, researchers will become lazier over and over again and this will slow down technical advance.
     Therefore, I strongly believe that animal testing should be banned because it’s bad for moral and practical reasons.

댓글 1개:

  1. Good start. By choosing this topic, you and Seumgmin will definitely be compared, somewhat. You have the opposite opinion, and will probably be using some of the same sources.

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