2012년 6월 15일 금요일

Synthesis Essay


Effective experiments on living creatures
Opposition against animal testing


Submitted to: Mr. Garrioch
By: Lee Kangbok
Student ID: 111087
For: English Composition
On: Friday, June, 15th, 2012

     When I hear the word “animal testing”, the first one that comes up in my mind is “inhumane experiment.” Nowadays, animal testing seems to be necessary for new drugs, cosmetics, and even psychology. Whenever there are new discoveries from these fields, animal experiments are done and after thousands of attempts on animals, new things are released to humans. This animal testing has been used for centuries and it has worked quite well, and this is the reason why animal testing is still widely used. However, even though the animal testing has worked quite well, there are many protestors against the testing. The controversy about animal testing is very hot issue nowadays. I’m the one who also protest against the testing. Considering the negative effects that animal testing will bring to our society, opposition is reasonable and therefore, we should ban the animal testing.
In the status quo, there is very minor degree of animal protection. Even though they are also living beings, their minimal rights are not being guaranteed. According to Doris Lin, an animal rights attorney, there is a law to protect animals in laboratories. In the United States, the Animal Welfare Act (or AWA) exists to minimize inhumane treatments of non-human animals. However, the AWA excludes from protection all rats and mice which are most commonly used animals in laboratories. Therefore, the AWA is very inefficient. Thus, protestors demand new and efficient law to protect animals.
     To begin with, and the most commonly used point, animals have a right not to be harmed. Doris Lin clearly mentioned about this point:
With few exceptions, we do not experiment on human subjects without their consent. Just as we do not experiment on humans who are incapable of consenting to experimentation, we should not experiment on non-human animals. Non-human animals cannot give informed consent, and the vast majority of experiments using animals are so invasive and injurious, we would never even consider allowing humans to consent to being subjects in such experiments.(Doris Lin)
     Historically, animals were raised by humans as stocks, or food. In the past, animals just had meaning of mere properties. Thus, it was not so weird or creation of resistance to kill or do whatever things on animals. However, today, animals meaning have changed a lot. Nowadays, people raise animals as pets, or companions. It means that people today think animal as one living being that has rights as humans. Thus, nowadays, animal experiment creates resistance to some people also known as protestors. Some advocators of animal testing argue that we can divide animals as testing animals and pets. However, we don’t have rights to divide animals into categories by our taste.
Second of all, animals are different from humans. As mentioned above, animal testing is controversial because of animal rights. However, if humans can get true and accurate information for our lives, animal testing might be reasonable because someone would think that opportunity cost of testing, abuse of animal rights, could be smaller than its benefit, life-saving information. Sadly though, as stated, animals are different in biologically and psychologically. Animal testing is used in medical experiments, toxicological investigation and psychological research. If animals are different from humans, how can we get accurate information from experiment? There are also a large number of cases that animal tests failed. For instance, oraflex is one example. According to John J. Pippin, and Kristie Sullivan, the editors of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, oraflex was released onto the market in 1982 after year-long tests in rhesus monkeys gave no indication of risk. However, patients began experiencing severe liver toxicity and phototoxicity. More than 3,500 severe adverse events and 60 deaths occurred in Britain alone. Also, inocor(amrinone) is another case. There was no evidence of risk for 2-year long animal test. Thus, it was released for short-term therapy option for severe heart failure. However, it produced severe or fatal thrombocytopenia which decreases blood clotting ability. In addition, there are many cases such as thalidomide, flenac, butazolidin, rezulin, and so on. As these tremendous cases prove, animal tests could create disaster. If animal tests have this great risk, we don’t have enough reason to do animal experiment with taking big opportunity cost.
Lastly, supporters of animal tests claim that animals involved in animal research are mostly well treated. However, there are many cases that animals are abused. According to the USA researchers, it has been estimated that 100-200 million animals die in laboratories around the world each year. Specifically, 45 million rodents, 700,000 rabbits, 200,000 cats, 500,000 dogs, 46,000 pigs, 23,000 sheep, 1,725,000 birds, 15-20 million frogs, 190,000 turtles, 61,000 snakes, 51,000 lizards, and over 85,000 primates in USA died. In addition, most animal experiment deals with vivisection. Often, animals are subjected to all types of experimentation without the use of anesthesia. Also, in common sense, it doesn’t make sense because animal research itself means mental illness for animals. In the website, The maneater, Kristen Powers states, “Although the act provides for proper food, water, sanitation, shelter and safety for lab animals, it does not take into account their emotional well-being.” Testing animals’ lives are totally controlled by humans. Think about your life that is controlled by someone. Would it be quite luxurious and comfortable? The answer is ‘Definitely NO.’ Even if animals are treated well in warm laboratories, with plenty of foods, they will get mental stress and psychological pain. Thus, advocates claim is totally nonsense.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that animal testing should be banned because of the following reasons. First, animals have right not to be used by humans. Second, animal testing has huge possibility of failure. Third, contrasting with advocates of animal testing, animals are abused in laboratories. As many advocates mention, animals’ rights might not be same with human’s one. I don’t know the best answer of whether take animal rights as same with human rights or not. However, I do know that animals are also living creatures that have emotions such as pain, joy, fear, and any other living creatures should not have the rights to abuse the other living creatures. Therefore, animal testing should be banned.

Work Cited

John J. Pippin, M.D. and Kristie Sullivan, M.P.H. "Dangerous Medicine: Examples of Animal-Based “Safety” Tests Gone Wrong." PCRM. Web. <http://pcrm.org/research/animaltestalt/animaltesting/dangerous-medicine-examples-of-animal-based-tests>.

Doris Lin. “Why It’s Wrong to Test on Animals” About.com, Animal Rights Web. <http://animalrights.about.com/od/vivisection/a/VivisectionFAQ.htm>

Kristen Powers. “Column: Treatment of animals in research” The Maneater Web., Feb. 14, 2012 <www.themaneater.com/stories/2012/2/14/treatment-animals-research>

2012년 6월 9일 토요일

Photo Essay Version 2


     KMLA was my goal when I was in middle school. Ever since I was in the 7th grade, my desire to go to KMLA increased and I was full of hope that I could get into the school. That desire and hope drove me to work and study hard. I prepared myself by attending one very family-like academy and it is not an exaggeration to say that all the best memories of my middle school life came from there.
The photo was taken by me at the academy on the final day of attendance right before the interview of KMLA. All students, including me, were very sad since we all felt like family. We spent about 3 years together sharing the same goal—to enter KMLA. However, during the process of preparing for that goal, we earned something ever more important: memories.
     The academy was named YoungjaeSagwan Academy and it was a bit famous academy around my region. When I first heard of the academy, I thought that this academy would be very competitive and inhumane. However, the first day of attendance changed my mind completely. The first teacher I saw, who is the person that I would see until the last day, was called teacher Moon. Unlike my original thought, he didn’t drive us harshly, push us to study, and punish us for small things. He just told some jokes during the class, smiled a lot, and trusted us. In fact, he changed my original thought that the academy would be inhumane, and he became my mentor. When I needed help and tired of studying, I visited him and asked for any recommendation. Every time when I asked for advice, he always gave me wise and brilliant answers.
     Not only teachers were great, but also friends were. At the very first moment, everyone was kind of competitive because we all thought each other as competitor of entrance of KMLA. However, after a few days passed, everyone became coworker, not competitor. I think this change was brought about by teachers, as it was to me. As everyone realized that friends are coworkers, we quickly became close friends. I became friend with Hyunseok and Yoonjee since 7th grade at this moment. Later, I met many other friends who have gotten into KMLA, and who have not. It’s almost 4 years from that moment, but I can still remember every single name of friends: Inwoong, Gwanwoo, Sangwon, Jiyun, Minjae, Elina, Seungwoo, Hosung, Inwoo, and so on.
As time passed, we could feel that our last day was not far away, and we should prepare for a sad farewell, as well as the application. Although there were many stresses of studying, writing essays and doing homework, we endured by standing by each other, and keeping our spirits up. All those memories piled up and took a great portion of our lives. The pile of memory was not negligible.
     Moreover, we didn’t know who would get into KMLA and accomplish their goals. The atmosphere of uncertainty surrounded us and everyone was a bit anxious. Even though everyone prepared hard, it was anyone’s guess who would be accepted. In the atmosphere of that desperate feeling, we were facing the last day.
     Thus, saying farewell was an unwelcome task for all of us. We decided to make one last memory. We thought of creative farewell event. We started to write our names on the blackboard. Everyone wanted to see each other at KMLA again, but it was unrealistic. Only some of us would succeed. So we should have said bye-bye to each other. After we wrote our names, we took the photo, and that photo appears above. An unforgettable memory had been made.
     I chose that photo since it represents a great portion of my memories. When I see the photo again and again, I can remember all the things that I’ve done in the academy with friends, and when I remember every single event, I smile automatically. The event where we wrote our names on the blackboard itself was also very meaningful and creative.
     Now, it is 2 years from when the photo was taken. Some names can be seen in KMLA and some cannot. However, what is really important is not the mere fact that I’m in the KMLA right now, but the fact that I have these wonderful memories and a photo that will last forever in my deep mind.