2012년 2월 22일 수요일

Second draft: Ode to dance(revised letter form)

Dear Dance

Hello! I’m Lee Kangbok. I’m fine thank you and….Hey, let’s stop this kind of boring thing.
I mean after all, we aren’t this far from each other to say those boring formal greetings. Do you remember? We were very close friends back in elementary school. Ever since I saw you from the book, I tried hard to be a close friend with you. I struggled to find opportunity to meet you, and finally I found you in an academy. From then, we became great friends.

You, also known as "locking", were so powerful and energetic. As time passes, and as we became close friends, I could feel your true mind and feeling. You always tried to draw a laugh of other people, and people responded to your effort. In addition, I became curious about your brothers: popping and b-boying. They had different appeals than you. Popping had robot-like attraction that dazed people, and b-boying showed rotational power that seemed impossible to be possessed by human. I loved your family and I became friend with your brother, popping, too.

However, what happened at middle school? Actually, it was my fault. There was a big dilemma between you and study, and I chose study. At that time, I personally thought that it would be beneficial for my life, and I had a hard time trying to forget you. I unconsciously noticed that I would not have the time to meet you in my life any more. Throughout middle school life, I studied hard to not regret selling out on you. As a result, I almost forgot about you and the relationship between you and me became so distant…
However, we met again in High School. It was great to meet you again, and I decided to recover our relationship. In high school, I even got the nickname “BokshinMachine” because of you. Nevertheless, because the gap of three years was too long, we couldn’t be close enough.

To be honest, I really want to reclaim you. But… I am not confident that it is possible. Sometimes, I regret my decision in middle school, but I think an accidental meeting in high school can surely bring us closer again.
My friend, I apologize that I gave up our relationship and forgot about you, I really miss the time when we hung around joyfully. I will try my best to restore my self-confidence towards you. Thus, would you also try hard to retrieve our friendship and hang around with me again?

Your true friend,
Lee Kangbok

댓글 2개:

  1. Much better, and I like the added content. I'm glad to see you made the corrections accurately, as some students tend to rush through them and still miss stuff. Good work. Grade no longer pending.:)

  2. Yay my roommate!!! I saw you dancing (the Poppin' or sth I dunno the name) and it was great! I was surprised you were not in Rhyme Factory. Anyways, I liked it that you wanted to start dancing again.
