2011년 11월 20일 일요일

Assignment : review

Game Review : SamGukJi 10 (三國志 10)

     This game is known as Romance of the three kingdoms at American version.
Original version
American version

     SamGukJi is a story about ancient Chinese history about three countries and many heroes. This story is well known to Korean people and there are many fans of it. I'm also one of the fans of SamGukJi.

KOEI logo
     The company that made the game is KOEI and this company is well known as company of SamGukJi.

     Almost every game that is related to SamGukJi was made by this company. There are action version, RTS(Real Time Simulation) version, Strategy Simulation version and many other kinds of SamGukJi game.
     What I want to review about is Strategy Simulation version: SamGukJi 10.
     It had many series of SamGukJi, and of course, SamGukJi 10 is 10th series. The latest series is SamGukJi 11 but many people including I think that 10th series is more fun and more completed series. At the previous editions, they chose turn based systems. However, from tenth edition, Koei chose time based system. This new system is very innovative since this system enabled users to control our character freely than older system. 
We can move freely through the map because of time based system.
     Also we can control domestic affairs as we want. All of these systems enabled us to play the game freely and users feel satisfaction at these systems.
Domestic affairs System
     However, there are some disadvantages of this game. Firstly, the relationship between characters is very easy to control. Even if character A and character B are enemies at original story, I can form brotherly ties between them. Also, action scenes of war systems are too deficient.
The war system of SamGukJi 10

     As you can see, only small characters appear and they fight.

Dual System
     On the other hand, there are other things that can complement this lack of action scenes. The first one is combat, or dual. This system represents fighting only between two characters, 1 to 1, without any other soldiers. This system is often used to show off characters' power. The other one is verbal battle. This system represents heated discussion between only two characters without any soldiers. This system is often used to persuade the other to take him to my team.

Verbal Battle System

     Many users are satisfied at these systems even though the war scenes are cute.

     Next, the game is very high quality in story. The story is based on real story of SamGukJi and as I mentioned earlier, there are many SamGukJi fans in Korea. Most of fans want to play SamGukJi game with real-based story. SamGukJi 10 put effort to satisfy these opinions. They made real-based story and the story's quality is very high.

     There are also other Korean critics. Since this game is very famous in Korea, I thought Korean critics are more reliable than other critics. This is one critic that I saw from Gameshot.net which is one of the Korean game critics site.(http://www.gameshot.net/common/con_view.php?code=AC40e7cdb925244)

     As a result, I think the SamGukJi 10 is very fun even though the war system is quite not stylish and level of difficulty is easy.
I will give game quality score at 7 out of 10. However, I will give game fun score at 9 out of 10. Thus, total score of this game is 8 out of 10.

댓글 1개:

  1. Here is a good assignment! It seems you write more passionately when you write about something you like. Longer sentences that rely less on However, Also, Firstly etc. is key to improving your writing.

    As for the video game, is it similar to Star Craft? It seems really hard.
